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[INDONESIAN] Age of Deception

by Agus Sulaeman December 7, 2023

Pasukan Buzzer

  • Gramedia Pustaka Utama
  • 2021

Chang Kang-myoung

Chang Kang-myoung has published eight novels, one short story collection, and one essay collection. He has received the Surim Literary Award, Jeju 4•3 Peace Prize, and Munhakdongne Writer Award. Before turning to writing, he worked as a journalist for over a decade and received the Journalist of the Month Award from the Journalists Association of Korea, Kwanhun Club Press Award, and Dong-A Ilbo Press Award.

In Chang Kang-myoung’s thought-provoking novel, Pasukan Buzzer, readers are invited to explore the political world in a new digital era, filled with intrigue and hypocrisy, where an insidious PR firm deftly manipulates and distorts facts on social media.

       At its core, the story revolves around Team Aleph, an online PR start-up hired by the National Intelligence Service of South Korea. Their goal is to dismantle politically progressive internet forums and undermine the success of films that address controversies surrounding large corporations that neglect the lives of workers.

       Within this narrative, key characters like Sam-goong, Chatatkat, and 01810 emerge as integral members of Team Aleph, and form the so-called Buzzer troops. These characters use their persuasive writing skills to shape public opinion on the internet. Their services encompass orchestrating black campaigns by crafting negative comments on social media or web portals like Facebook, Naver, Daum, Ilbe and Jumda Café. Their expertise lies in the art of navigating and utilizing social media, opting for cloned accounts bearing real identities rather than anonymous personas.

       The storyline’s architecture and linguistic style employed by Chang are nothing short of exemplary. From start to finish, each facet of the narrative is meticulously crafted. The author vividly describes the essence and intricacies of each character, empowering readers to seamlessly follow the evolving trajectory of the plot. Moreover, the narrative is enlivened by the rich linguistic diversity of the Indonesian language, presenting an engaging, structured experience through its wide array of language and boundless imagination.

       Moving beyond the traditional dimensions of a novel, Pasukan Buzzer delves into the moral values carefully woven into its narrative. Of particular note are the ethical principles explored within the storyline, which offer profound insights into the complexities of human behavior. Chatatkat, for example, is a virtuoso at constructing compelling sentences and formulating strategic plans, while 01810, a proficient computer operator, quickly pinpoints the means to manipulate individuals through the labyrinth of the internet and social media. These characters prompt us to explore the question, ‘How far can human desires go, even if they end up harming communities?’

       In addition to illustrating the dynamics of manipulation, Chang skilfully portrays the characters’ self-absorbed beliefs in their ability to shape the world according to their desires, something that began as a mere amusement. Unbeknownst to them, they become ensnared into the machinations of a clandestine organization, resolute in a playing a treacherous political game of eliminating all perceived threats by any means necessary. Rich with intrigue and innovative concepts, this narrative offers readers opportunity to reflect on the values ​​of truth and goodness.

       This remarkable work not only cautions readers as they navigate the intricate web of social media but also emphasizes the multifaceted impact of Buzzer troops, contingent upon individual perspectives. Readers are encouraged to recognize the pivotal role played by the Buzzer squad in the context of real politics. Pasukan Buzzer kindles a spirit of critical thinking and introspection, provoking readers to contemplate the potential of a Buzzer squad as a force that spreads fake news and manipulates public opinion in their own lives.


Agus Sulaeman

Professor of Indonesian Language and Literature,

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

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